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Complaint Process & Participant Rights

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Mainstream is all about people supporting people. We want your experience at Mainstream to be a great one and we strive to provide the best possible service to you and your family.

Mainstream Complaint Process

Primary Objectives

Our Primary objective as a service provider are:

  • To use a person centred planning process to assist each person to identify their goals and develop a plan of action to meet them.
  • To offer a variety of learning and training opportunities to allow people to work on individual goals.
  • To facilitate the development of natural support networks and assist people in acquiring the skills necessary to lead independent and fulfilling lives in their community.

How to make your voice heard?

If you have a concern, we want to hear it and will do our best to help. Follow the Mainstream complaint process and get your voice heard.

Step 1: Talk to the person you have a problem with and explain your concern. Try to find a way to make things better.

Step 2: If that doesn’t work, talk to a staff member that you are comfortable with and explain your concern. Tell them what you have tried to do to make things better.

Step 3: If you are still not happy, contact the Executive Director to explain your concern.

Mainstream Rights Statement

At Mainstream in Niagara, participants in our community support programs and services have the following rights:

  • The right to learn about your rights.
  • The right to plan for your future, with support if you want it.
  • The right to work or volunteer, with support if you need it.
  • The right to get paid fairly for the work that you do.
  • The right to spend money on things that you want.
  • The right to choices and education and support regarding those choices.
  • The right to make your own decisions.
  • The right to change your mind.
  • The right to have your decisions supported by Mainstream.
  • The right to choose your own friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife.
  • The right to choose who you spend time with (ex. Friends, family, boyfriend or girlfriend).
  • The right to express your feelings, respectfully.
  • The right to say what is on your mind, respectfully.
  • The right to disagree with others, respectfully, including staff.
  • The right to be treated like an adult.
  • The right to be treated with respect.
  • The right to privacy.
  • The right to have your personal information kept confidential. You will be asked for permission before personal information is shared.
  • The right to learn what abuse is and what you can do about it.
  • The right not to be abused by anyone.
  • The right to call the police if you are threatened or abused.
  • The right to decide what your day will look like.
  • The right to attend scheduled activities.
  • The right to medical care and treatment, with support if needed.
  • The right to education about your medical care and treatment.
  • The right to question or refuse medical care and treatment.

Questions about our services? Looking to get involved?

Contact Mainstream today. We are here to help.

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